Shipping Policy
For customers in the United States, orders may be shipped from either our U.S. warehouse or our distribution center in China, depending on product availability. If your order is shipped in multiple parcels, you will receive separate tracking numbers. Delivery times may vary between shipments.
All orders will be processed and shipped directly either from our distribution center in China. Please note, these orders may incur customs & duty fees, which the customer is required to pay in order to receive their order.
The Order handling time is 1-3 business days (Monday to Friday). Orders placed after 9 AM China Time may require +1 business day to process. For example, orders placed after 9 AM on a Friday may not be processed and shipped until the following Monday.
If you change your mind right after your order, we are able to accept cancellations at any time before the order has been dispatched. If an order has already been dispatched, please refer to our refund policy.
We cannot change the delivery address once it is in transit. If you need to change the place to deliver your order, please contact us within 24 hours of placing your order at
Some countries apply duties or VAT on shipments received from China. You are responsible for any such extra taxes or fees your government applies to get the package delivered. MHW-3BOMBER will do the best we can to provide the best international shipping experience possible, but much of the process is out of our control and is in the control of your countries' officials and mail systems. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.
Countries/Regions |
Condition/ Options |
Reference time limit(For large items like the S7 or packages over 4kg, delivery may take longer, possibly exceeding 30 days in some countries.) |
Shipping Fee |
United States |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
10-15business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Saudi Arabia |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
8-15business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Ireland |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
10-12business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Canada, Australia |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
10-15business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Austria |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
9-18business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Finland, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Lithuania, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Malaysia Philippines, Israel, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
7-15business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Thailand |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
5-10business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
10-25business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Japan, Hong Kong SAR |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
3-7business days |
USD $9.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
India, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
15-30business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Brazil |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
15-25business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Chile |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
12-20business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Peru |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
20-40business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Egypt, Kenya(Unable to deliver to P.O. Box addresses.) |
<USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
10-45business days |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $99 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Rest of the World |
<USD $129 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Not sure |
USD $15.90 |
>=USD $129 Standard - Ship from China, normal postal |
Free |
Note: Due to shipping restrictions, we are unable to deliver to the following regions. We appreciate your understanding.
Country/Region |
Areas Not Deliverable |
United States |
Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico |
Russia |
Altai Republic, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Chuvash Republic, Kamchatka Krai, Magadan Oblast, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Tuva Republic, Vologda Oblast |
Due to the higher weight or size of the following products, additional shipping fees will apply. Please review the details below:
Items |
Shipping Fee |
USD $35 |
USD $35 |
USD $35 |
USD $35 |
MHW-3BOMBER Lever Manual Espresso Machine Sonic S7(Single or Set) |
USD $75 |
MHW-3BOMBER B-2 Tactical Suitcase 10pcs Set Coffee Gifts Black |
USD $75 |
MHW-3BOMBER B-3 Tactical Suitcase 12pcs Set Coffee Gifts Black |
USD $75 |
*Note: These shipping fees will be displayed at checkout. Please confirm the final charges before completing your order. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!